Health service delivery in Sierra Leone remains hampered by a lack of reliable electricity access in health facilities. This impacts health facilities at all levels, with several key hospitals still unconnected to the national grid. Those hospitals that are connected to a grid continue to suffer from frequent power outages. With support from the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) and the Global Energy Alliance for People and Planet (GEAPP), SEforALL developed a ‘Market Assessment & Roadmap’ for the sustainable electrification of social infrastructure, most notable in the health and education sector. Building on the results of this assessment, SEforALL with co-funding from the FCDO is supporting a new health electrification project that will electrify unelectrified or under-electrified hospitals in Sierra Leone, which is expected to enable improved delivery of health services – particularly but not limited to maternal and child health services.
Sierra Leone Hospital Electrification Project