Powering Renewable Energy Opportunities (PREO)
preo.org contact@preo.org

Powering Renewable Energy Opportunities (PREO) is a demand-led, productive use of renewable energy (PURE) programme which stimulates partnerships, innovation and learning to address needs and improve livelihoods of sub-Saharan African communities. PREO has three key service functions: Action Learning Projects, Partnership Services, and Technical Assistance. These functions induce and support innovations that address current industry needs, consolidate fragmented efforts, and disseminate knowledge and learnings for the betterment of rural sub-Saharan African communities. PREO aims to grant-fund around 30 Action Learning Projects through open calls, seeking to create 3,500 jobs and benefiting more than 11,000 rural households.

Organisations wishing to be kept up to date on future rounds of PREO grant funding should visit the website to subscribe to the PREO newsletter. PREO is part of the Transforming Energy Access (TEA) platform.

Global Distributors Collective (GDC)
globaldistributorscollective.org GDC@practicalaction.org.uk

The Global Distributors Collective (GDC) is a collective of over 200 last mile distribution companies, hosted by Practical Action and supported by the Transforming Energy Access (TEA) platform. During its current phase, GDC is testing new approaches to further enable energy access at the last mile through the following actions:
– Identifying and accelerating innovation within the last mile distributor ecosystem
– Embedding best practices within last mile distributors
– Undertaking market intelligence and research
– All underpinned by essential member engagement activities.

CrossBounday Innovation Lab
crossboundary.com/labs mglabsops@crossboundary.com

The Innovation Lab develops new cost-reducing innovations with the potential to significantly reduce mini-grid levelised cost of energy (LCOE). It seeks to demonstrate the impact of these innovations in the real world and raise funding for the innovations to achieve national scale impact. The Innovation Lab is delivered by CrossBoundary and supported by the Transforming Energy Access (TEA) platform.

Growing Government Engagement in Energy Access (GGE-EA)
www.club-er.org secretariat@club-er.org

The Growing Government Engagement in Energy Access (GGE-EA) project, part of the Transforming Energy Access (TEA) platform, aims to accelerate the deployment of mini-grids in Africa, increasing the use of affordable decentralised clean energy options for poor households and enterprises. GGE-EA delivers peer-to-peer learning opportunities to build the capacity of rural electrification officials, improve understanding of challenges and opportunities for mini-grid deployment, and support the development of new bankable mini-grid projects. GGE-EA is coordinated by the African Association for Rural Electrification (CLUB-ER), in partnership with SouthSouthNorth.

Ukraine Resilience and Energy Security (URES) Programme
apply-for-innovation-funding.service.gov.uk UKinUkraine@fcdo.gov.uk

Programme designed to build Ukrainian resilience to external threats to its energy security and lay the groundwork for a cleaner, more independent energy sector post-war. It includes a £16 million Energy Security Innovation Challenge Fund that will take forward UK-led innovations and proposals for applied research that can modernise Ukraine’s energy sector, launched in June 2023. This programme is funded by the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO). Follow the link provided to keep updated regarding future open funding windows.

TEA Learning Partnership
tea-lp.org nomanesi.makhonco@uct.ac.za

The Transforming Energy Access Learning Partnership (TEA-LP) is a partnership of universities committed to delivering professional graduates ready to drive the transition to sustainable energy access for all. TEA-LP provides courses for local current and future professionals in the energy access sector and aims to build on its network of 30 higher education institutions in 18 countries across Africa and the Indo-Pacific and make linkages to other energy access organisations and the private sector. It is also provides continuous professional development (CPD) courses (including a dedicated ‘Future Female Leaders in Energy’ course). TEA-LP also seeks to strengthen ‘South-South’ academic networks for energy access. This initiative is delivered under the Transforming Energy Access (TEA) platform by the University of Cape Town.

Future Female Leaders in Energy -part of the TEA Energy Access Talent Initiative (EATI) and TEA-LP
africanmanagers.org fiona@africanmanagers.org

Future Female Leaders in Energy Programme is specifically tailored to equip young women in entry level roles in the energy access sector with the skills they need to be future senior leaders. The programme combines online courses and experiential workshops to equip participants with the skills, knowledge, and confidence they need to thrive in this rapidly growing sector. It is part of the Energy Access Talent Initiative (EATI) and delivered by the African Management Institute and University of Cape Town with support from the Transforming Energy Access (TEA) platform.

TEA Energy Access Talent Initiative (EATI)
www.shortlist.net/energy/ support@shortlist.net

The Energy Access Talent Initiative (EATI) aims to support the talent needs of energy access enterprises across Africa, whilst empowering local talent to pursue careers in the sector. EATI (formerly the Off-Grid Talent Initiative) develops sustainable upskilling and sourcing models to address energy access labour shortages, increase the female participation rate in the energy access supply chain, and develop the next generation of female managers, who provide the operational capacity necessary to drive energy access SME growth. EATI is delivered by Shortlist and the African Management Institute, as part of the Transforming Energy Access (TEA) platform.

Empowering Managers – part of the TEA Energy Access Talent Initiative (EATI)
africanmanagers.org/programmes support@shortlist.net

Empowering Managers is a fully virtual pan-African programme for managers in the energy access sector, supported by the Transforming Energy Access (TEA) platform. This highly practical programme empowers team leaders with effective tools in key areas like supervision, project management, and team building, as well as strategies to address sector-specific challenges and manage geographically dispersed teams. The programme combines regular interactive virtual workshops, robust online learning (via its online platform and mobile app), and team-based activities, allowing participants to learn valuable knowledge and skills that can be applied to real workplace challenges, benefiting their organisation’s overall performance and impact.

Green Grids Initiative
climatecompatiblegrowth.com/ ccg@lboro.ac.uk

The Climate Compatible Growth (CCG) programme helps to advance global collaboration on research into green grids in support of the Green Grids Initiative (GGI). Launched by world leaders at COP26 in Glasgow, the GGI forms the biggest ever global political coalition for clean energy. Its aim is to accelerate the construction of the new infrastructure needed for a world powered by clean energy. CCG research integrates with and supports GGI working groups with critical analysis and thought leadership. An example of this is CCG’s research paper on how climate finance can be mobilised to meet the large investments needed in grid infrastructure across emerging and developing economies.